Kotomi_: Plate, Orient Byzantine, 10c
Kotomi_: Votive crown with cross and inscription - 12c
Kotomi_: Votive crown - Spain 12c
Kotomi_: Votive crown - Spain 12c
Kotomi_: The Annunciation - miniature mosaic
Kotomi_: Burial crosses
Kotomi_: Byzantine women's shoes (for burial)
Kotomi_: Rings from Chalcis treasure
Kotomi_: Silver hinged armband
Kotomi_: Pendant (Kolts) from Kiev hoad
Kotomi_: Glass cameos of Ephesus cameo
Kotomi_: Icon
Kotomi_: Bowl from Cyprus
Kotomi_: Pilgrim flask
Kotomi_: Noah cameo
Kotomi_: Items from the Chalcis treasure
Kotomi_: Icon
Kotomi_: Lamp in the shape of a gryphon
Kotomi_: Byzantine bronze stamp
Kotomi_: Byzantine bronze stamp
Kotomi_: Byzantine bronze stamp
Kotomi_: Censer
Kotomi_: Dyptych leaf with archangel
Kotomi_: Part of ivory triptych (Gabriel )
Kotomi_: Part of ivory triptych ( Michael )
Kotomi_: Reliquary cross
Kotomi_: Gold and enamel earrings
Kotomi_: Reliquary pendant
Kotomi_: Byzantine cross 4c East Roman Empire
Kotomi_: Byzantine body-chain 6-7c