cwalter54: Pajaro Valley HS Start
cwalter54: Pajaro Valley HS Start
cwalter54: Corralitos - Mile 14
cwalter54: Eureka Canyon Rd near Corralitos
cwalter54: Eureka Canyon Rd near Corralitos
cwalter54: Eureka Canyon Rd near Corralitos
cwalter54: Eureka Canyon Rd near Corralitos
cwalter54: Eureka Canyon Road
cwalter54: Burrell Fire Station - Mile 30
cwalter54: Burrell Fire Station - Mile 30
cwalter54: Monterey Bay Academy
cwalter54: They've already had their espresso
cwalter54: Itailan Festival Rest Stop - Mile 54
cwalter54: Itailan Festival Rest Stop - Mile 54
cwalter54: Monterey Bay Academy
cwalter54: Road Rash
cwalter54: Hwy 129, Watsonville
cwalter54: Hwy 129, Watsonville
cwalter54: David - Great Guy
cwalter54: Sag Wagon Moving On
cwalter54: Greg and Raspberry Fields
cwalter54: Greg and Raspberry Fields
cwalter54: Approaching Gizdich Ranch
cwalter54: Some of the Damage Done
cwalter54: Preparing to Drive Home
cwalter54: Route Map