owenski: Press watch G20 meltdown gather at London Bridge
owenski: G20 Meltdown gathering
owenski: The Silver Horse arrives @London Bridge
owenski: Outside London Bridge Station
owenski: The excellent brass band
owenski: Haven't I seen this idea somewhere before?
owenski: Swarm on London Bridge
owenski: Tower Bridge in the distance
owenski: Marooned car on London Bridge
owenski: Crowds
owenski: Tower Bridge silhouette
owenski: Coffin at the end of London Bridge
owenski: E-on F-off (?)
owenski: Silver Horse march reaching the beginning of King William St
owenski: End of the bridge
owenski: Going up King William Street
owenski: Why is there always a Starbucks on the route of every march?
owenski: Rozzas in discussion
owenski: The Bank
owenski: G20 Meltdown demo @Bank of England
owenski: Police Dogs @Bank of England
owenski: BoE security types
owenski: Bank of England engulfed
owenski: FIT up
owenski: FIT near Fank of England
owenski: Capitalism Isn't Working
owenski: G20 Meltdown demo @Bank of England
owenski: Royal Exchange in G20 Meltdown
owenski: ACPO guidance on keeping the peace (sic)
owenski: StW march at US Embassy