jkoshi: Day One, Highway One
jkoshi: The Rugged California Coast
jkoshi: Day One Beer Stop
jkoshi: Half Moon Bay Sea Life
jkoshi: Accomodations for the Night
jkoshi: Day Two Begins
jkoshi: Half Moon Gulls
jkoshi: It Looks Cold Because it Is Cold
jkoshi: Half Moon Bokeh Bouquet
jkoshi: Highway One Rollers Forever
jkoshi: Pescadero
jkoshi: Taking Five
jkoshi: The Pace of Pescadero
jkoshi: Cloverdale
jkoshi: Let's Do This
jkoshi: Crossing Lines
jkoshi: Beachy
jkoshi: The Importance of a Southerly Route
jkoshi: The Run-in To Santa Cruz
jkoshi: Our Guide to Capitola
jkoshi: Day Two Accomodations
jkoshi: On the Circuit
jkoshi: Day Three Begins
jkoshi: New Day at New Brighton
jkoshi: Time Trial Camping
jkoshi: Fuji Dryer
jkoshi: Northbound From Argentina
jkoshi: Northbound Norwegian
jkoshi: An Important Rule of Touring