The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Øystein Rakkenes
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Brødre i krig / Brothers at War
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Maria Fredriksen Kvamme
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Det spiller ingen rolle hvor du sitter / It Doesn’t Matter Where You Sit – White Sea Electro Tour
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
David Aronowitsch
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Facing Genocide: Khieu Samphan and Pol Pot
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Håvard Bustnes
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Helsefabrikken / The Health Factory
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Sverre Galgum / Roar Christiansen
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Jeg vil takke livet / Thanks to Life
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Kenneth Slotterøy Elvebakk
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Jenter med baller / daKings
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Leiv Igor Devold
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Min norske bestefar / My Norwegian Grandfather
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Anita Rehoff Larsen
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Nok en dag / Just Another Day
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Olga Konskaya, Andrei Nekrasov
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Russian Lessons
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Sannhetens mange ansikter / Telling Truths in Arusha
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Martin Rehman Gaarder
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Ola Flyum
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Shabanas valg / Shabana's Choice
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Sporene fra Sarajevo / Sarajevo Ricochet
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
The Norwegian Solution
The Norwegian Short Film Festival:
Å kartlegge krigen / Documenting War Crimes