Andy King:
Humphrey Bogart, the dog
Andy King:
Using another photographer's flash
Andy King:
Acciental self-shot
Andy King:
Delicious snack table
Andy King:
Hi, Humphrey!
Andy King:
Kitchen crowd shot before things kicked off
Andy King:
Two friends from CSUCI
Andy King:
Crystal and Nikita, PSP organizers extraordinaire
Andy King:
Starting off the night
Andy King:
Beginning with the open mic
Andy King:
People in the back say hey!
Andy King:
Humphrey drools on feet, the ground, and his own ears
Andy King:
Blocked view
Andy King:
Moved to the front
Andy King:
Nikita on the mic
Andy King:
Crystal doing an introduction
Andy King:
Side wide angle of Crystal
Andy King:
Another awesome feature
Andy King:
Open mic... with an oboe
Andy King:
Just as he finished the performance
Andy King:
Taking it all in
Andy King:
Going into the intermission
Andy King:
Typewriter interactive
Andy King:
My poem
Andy King:
An invitation to poem, to art
Andy King:
Singer and guitarist
Andy King:
Tried different lenses for shots
Andy King:
Covering Feist's "Gatekeeper"
Andy King:
More string instrumentation
Andy King:
Maybe this was the intermission???