Soleil is me.: Progress is the path is like rubbing two sticks together to make fire, If you stop to rest, you'll lost most of the progress you have made.
Soleil is me.: Life is a breathless, rigorous race through a short time and a narrow place.
Soleil is me.: Trying to keep up with the heart will slow you down.
Soleil is me.: Grasp the moment, hang on, and don't think of what has gone.
Soleil is me.: Eggs have no business dancing with stones.
Soleil is me.: This same flower that smiles today tomorrow may be dying.
Soleil is me.: If you want to feel exceptionally good, smile face.
Soleil is me.: When asked if they liked chocolate, 90% of people said they did, and the other 10% said they did also:)
Soleil is me.: I'll take the precious holiday at the beach the couple days, please keep in touch:)
Soleil is me.: Tagged, finally...
Soleil is me.: Plant a rose or, better still; a tree in honor of your birthday...
Soleil is me.: It is sad but true; we're not as important as we think we are...
Soleil is me.: Your instincts not lie...
Soleil is me.: Wishes take a lot of work to make come true...FP Explore
Soleil is me.: Fire...
Soleil is me.: "The joy in life is to be used for a purpose. I want to be used up when I die." George Bernard Shaw
Soleil is me.: "Being alone isn't so bad as long as you like your own company." Byron Pulsifer