Soleil is me.: Happiness cannot be found by following other people, find your own way.
Soleil is me.: There is no wrong time for happiness.
Soleil is me.: Man worries.. it is our natural state. We fear the future, are rarely content with what has passed, and dread death.
Soleil is me.: Experience your unhappiness while you've got it , you might never be unhappy again!
Soleil is me.: If you have a good mind, be prepared to use it well.
Soleil is me.: You look and ask "Why?". Try to look and ask "Why not?"
Soleil is me.: Read something as you want to read, not something that you feel compelled to read.
Soleil is me.: Labor is light where happiness pays the wage.
Soleil is me.: Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what is right.
Soleil is me.: Practice what you know, and you shall attain to higher knowledge.
Soleil is me.: The eyes are more accurate witnesses than the ears.
Soleil is me.: The way up and the way down are one and the same.
Soleil is me.: Just because you appear to be lying in clover doesn't mean it's over.
Soleil is me.: Law or rules is born of despair of human nature.
Soleil is me.: We are remain children at heart until our death.
Soleil is me.: Try to keep your head when those about you are losing theirs.
Soleil is me.: Do not consider painful what is good for you.
Soleil is me.: He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals.
Soleil is me.: The only thing between life and death is the breath.
Soleil is me.: The evil you bring on yourself is cause by you alone.
Soleil is me.: Liars need good memories.
Soleil is me.: Write injuries in sand, kindness in marble.
Soleil is me.: Learn before you die what you are running from.
Soleil is me.: The highest genius blurs the line between work and play!
Soleil is me.: Once energy burns, it never returns.
Soleil is me.: Mirror of the mind reflect away directed hate.
Soleil is me.: Attraction leads to distraction and motivates bodily action.
Soleil is me.: Being compassionate and kind promotes peace of mind.
Soleil is me.: Overconfidence impairs your skills.
Soleil is me.: A little help is better than a lot of pity.