Soleil is me.: Fruit flies like bananas; time flies like an arrow.
Soleil is me.: How do attentions arise? From where do they come, and where do they go?
Soleil is me.: Practice what you have always known but have not always done.
Soleil is me.: Peace may be relative to the state of mind that preceded it.
Soleil is me.: Don'y forget to love yourself.
Soleil is me.: A happy life consists in tranquility of mind.
Soleil is me.: Focus on contemplation of the body, of feeling, of the mind and of the mind objects.
Soleil is me.: The world owes you nothing; it was here first.
Soleil is me.: Outside appearance is a poor substitute for inner worth.
Soleil is me.: There is no happiness without action.
Soleil is me.: If you wouldn't admit it, don't do it.
Soleil is me.: If you want to catch the thief, hire one.
Soleil is me.: We often want one thing and pray for another, not telling the truth even to the God.
Soleil is me.: If you're never run aground, you've never sailed around.
Soleil is me.: There's nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so.
Soleil is me.: Bright light, dark night, either option the sight.
Soleil is me.: If someone gives you advice, it is in his own interest.
Soleil is me.: Rules are made to be broken.
Soleil is me.: The world is a dangerous place because of those who look on and do nothing.
Soleil is me.: Maditating for an hour gives you power.
Soleil is me.: It does no good to count to ten and, then, fall into a fit of anger again.
Soleil is me.: Continuing practice, throughout the course of the day, it the only way.
Soleil is me.: You can't turn back the clock, but you can wind it up again.
Soleil is me.: A gentle hand may lead an elephant by a hair.
Soleil is me.: AS the sun melts the snows, when anger comes, wisdom goes.
Soleil is me.: Nurture your mind with great thought.
Soleil is me.: Well done is better than well-said.
Soleil is me.: You can have peace only as long as your neighbor allows you to.
Soleil is me.: You can never know your own language until you know a few others.
Soleil is me.: Explode false illusions which keep a tenacious hold on the mind.