korkuna: Saturated colors (tints and shades) 🍎🍋🍏 for Color Theory class. It's not the final version :) #art #needmoreartsupplies #lifestyle #studentslife #students #color #colour #colors #colortheory #artstagram #artist #artwork #artschool
korkuna: Color wheel with Winsor & Newton gouache. #studying #sanfrancisco #sf #colorstone #colours #colors #colorwheel #colortheory #colourful #gouache #art #artwork #homework #student #students #studentslife #academyofart #academyofartuniversity #aau #artacademy
korkuna: Color swatches. These are from the last week, but I'm doing the next homework assignment for tomorrow now. And color swatches again... #artschool #cali #calilife #california #student #students #studentslife #art #artwork #colors #colorswatches #coloring #
korkuna: Some of students artworks. That one on the left got 3.7 💪 (the highest point, I think). #colours #colors #color #artwork #art #academyofart #artschool #academyofartuniversity #sf #sanfrancisco #cali #california #calilife #student #students #student
korkuna: Complementary colors for Color Theory homework assignment. #color #colors #colour #colours #autumn #autumncolors #colortheory #colortheoryclass #academyofart #academyofartuniversity #sf #aau #sanfrancisco #cali #california #student #students #studentslif
korkuna: This style of painting called Pointillism (painting with little dots). Optic mix painting for Color Theory Class. We're said, we'll spend on this 10 hours. I made this one for 15 hours. My wrist and eyes still hurts... 😑 But I did it. #art
korkuna: Second try for this Design project for Color Theory class. 12 hours and it's done, and submitted, and I got 3.5 😄. And I really need to sleep... and some tequila. 🌵 #gouachepainting #academyofartuniversity #colortheory #paloalto #abstractpain
korkuna: Portrait drawing for Color Theory Class. Almost done :) #academyofartuniversity #academyofart #studentslife #color #colors #colours #colortheory #colorstudy #artschool #art #artwork #practise #drawingpainting #gouache #daraject #winsorandnewton #winsornew
korkuna: My portrait painting project for Color Theory class. Need something to add, just details (or redo everything :) #gouachepainting #salvadordali #salvador #dali #strathmore #winsornewton #winsorandnewton #gouache #gouaches #study #artschool #academyofart #a
korkuna: The final project for the Color Theory class! And we have just 2 weeks to finish it 😬 #grandcanyon #colortheory #academyofartuniversity #academyofart #drawing #aau #sanfrancisco #draw #pencildrawing #pencilsketch #sketch #daraject #finalproject
korkuna: Landscape project in progress... #pencilsketch #pencildrawing #sanfrancisco #academyofartuniversity #academyofart #aau #sf #art #artwork #artprocess #artstagram #artist #landscape #landscapedrawing #landscapepainting #artschool #artclass #grandcanyon #gra
korkuna: Landscape Painting project for Color Theory class. Hope to finish this asap. I have just 36 hours till the class starts... 😬 Overall, I really like this class and teacher. The only problem is time. #academyofart #academyofartuniversity #artschoo
korkuna: Grand Canyon — one of the most gorgeous places I have ever seen! — so, it's just the b&w photo rendering of Grand Canyon. Painting is still in a process... #artinprogress #artinspiration #inprogress #grandcanyonsouthrim #grandcanyonnationalpark #grandcany