koréboy: Heading to the barbecue
koréboy: Which way?
koréboy: Old lady
koréboy: bicycle repair shop
koréboy: Do all pet owners look like their pets?
koréboy: Ta Mei Tuk BBQ site
koréboy: pier
koréboy: one of the bbq sites
koréboy: Leo, the master bbq'er
koréboy: wings
koréboy: 'dogs, fish balls and other assorted eats
koréboy: more bbq'ing
koréboy: nothing like a good basting of honey bbq sauce
koréboy: Do that thing, boi!
koréboy: just chillin'
koréboy: I am the after party...
koréboy: Student ambassador
koréboy: Student ambassador
koréboy: doing the robot...or something
koréboy: This is some good $&@!