amaah: Talking Drums The West African Magazine
amaah: talking drums back covers
amaah: talking drums 1983-09-12 Inaugural edition Nigeria elections and confessions - Ghana Executions and Confessions - Chad neglected desert war
amaah: talking drums 1983-09-19 Cameroon Tissue Rejection Biya comes of age
amaah: talking drums 1983-09-26 educating ghana the cuban connection
amaah: talking drums 1983-10-03 'Hunger is a desperate reality for Ghana's 14 million people' New Socialist Sept/Oct 1983
amaah: talking drums 1983-10-10 we have passed the test - Shagari
amaah: talking drums 1983-10-17 Houphouet-Boigny Ivorian stability - Ghanaian women economic backbone or saboteurs
amaah: talking drums 1983-10-24 Nkrumah's widow starves - Rawlings stabs press in the back
amaah: talking drums 1983-10-31 politics of border closures Togo blames Ghana
amaah: talking drums 1983-11-07 which is the voice of the people
amaah: talking drums 1983-12-05 Donor nations to Ghana's rescue
amaah: talking drums 1983-12-12 Ghana's labour scene - plans for civil rule in Liberia - us military in Africa
amaah: talking drums 1983-12-19-26 Government through mob action - kotoko win africa cup
amaah: talking drums 1984-01-03 two years of Ghana's revolution nigeria and ivory coast reschedule debts
amaah: talking drums 1984-01-09 coup in Nigeria Africa's day of shame
amaah: talking drums 1984-01-16 waiting for confusion in Nigeria - another food crisis year
amaah: talking drums 1984-01-30 isiyaku ibrahim - why democracy failed in Nigeria - restructuring Ghana's legal system
amaah: talking drums 1984-02-06 is the media relevant in Africa - the dilemma of the judiciary - highlife music review
amaah: talking drums 1984-02-20 Facing up to the military - Rawlings exports revolution to Upper Volta
amaah: talking drums 1984-02-27 ghana's aimless revolution - pro buhari demonstration in London
amaah: talking drums 1984-03-05 Ghana immature at 27 - why buhari must declare assets publicly
amaah: talking drums 1984-03-19 war games in Lagos - EEC aid with strings - sugar the essential commodity
amaah: talking drums 1984-03-26 the march against Rawlings nigeria's short-lived honeymoon
amaah: talking drums 1984-04-02 guinea sekou toure passes away - ghana the giwa executions
amaah: talking drums 1984-04-09 The military - servants or masters Guinea's post Sekou Toure coup
amaah: talking drums 1984-04-16 page 01 after cameroon's weekend nightmare - nigeria trial by ordeal
amaah: talking drums 1984-04-30 New Naira notes - Cardinal Gantin - the military problem
amaah: talking drums 1984-05-28 Cameroon executions - Buhari - Ghana's PDC-WDCs
amaah: talking drums 1984-06-04 what makes people leave Ghana - nigeria trials changing the rules in midstream