Ezequiel Kopel: The CGT, the nation's largest trade union and thousands of demostrators gathered in 9 de Julio avenue for a rally ahead of Labour Day (1st May) 29/04/11
Ezequiel Kopel: The CGT, the nation's largest trade union and thousands of demostrators gathered in 9 de Julio avenue for a rally ahead of Labour Day (1st May) 29/04/11
Ezequiel Kopel: The CGT, the nation's largest trade union and thousands of demostrators gathered in 9 de Julio avenue for a rally ahead of Labour Day (1st May) 29/04/11
Ezequiel Kopel: The CGT, the nation's largest trade union and thousands of demostrators gathered in 9 de Julio avenue for a rally ahead of Labour Day (1st May) 29/04/11
Ezequiel Kopel: The CGT, the nation's largest trade union and thousands of demostrators gathered in 9 de Julio avenue for a rally ahead of Labour Day (1st May) 29/04/11
Ezequiel Kopel: San Expedito
Ezequiel Kopel: Viejos verdes // Monica
Ezequiel Kopel: IMG_5051
Ezequiel Kopel: 24 de marzo
Ezequiel Kopel: El gran cracaman
Ezequiel Kopel: Orquesta Roja
Ezequiel Kopel: Pezones Mariposa
Ezequiel Kopel: Fernando De Rosa
Ezequiel Kopel: Paciente
Ezequiel Kopel: "La audición"
Ezequiel Kopel: La audición
Ezequiel Kopel: Naturaleza viva
Ezequiel Kopel: Lorena Vega
Ezequiel Kopel: Cairo and the night
Ezequiel Kopel: Axel Krygier
Ezequiel Kopel: Yendo de la cama al living
Ezequiel Kopel: Alejandro Jodorowsky
Ezequiel Kopel: Vida de payasos
Ezequiel Kopel: Sheikh Jarrah
Ezequiel Kopel: Sheikh Jarrah