hkoons: Grounds of the Bachkovo Monastery_2678
hkoons: Monastery Grounds _2689
hkoons: Residence Hall of the Bachkovo Monastery_2679
hkoons: Roots of the Bachkovo Monastery_2676
hkoons: Within the Bachkovo Monastery_2675
hkoons: At the Bachkovo Monastery_2677
hkoons: Bachkovo Monastery Entrance_2670
hkoons: Bachkovo Monastery Wall Mural _2683
hkoons: Stone Art _2687
hkoons: Wall Art of Yesteryear_2688
hkoons: Bachkovo Monastery _2681
hkoons: Cat and the Door _2709
hkoons: Side Chapel _2707
hkoons: Thorns _2686
hkoons: Bachkovo Monastery Interior _2692
hkoons: Bachkovo Monastery Interior _2693
hkoons: Look Up! _2694
hkoons: Looking Down the main Hall _2691
hkoons: Wall Icons at Bachkovo Monastery_2695
hkoons: Ceiling Icons _2699
hkoons: Icons and the Chior_2697
hkoons: Monastery Decor_2698
hkoons: Pulpit and Choir_2700
hkoons: Sanctuary Interior_2701
hkoons: Apex of Icons _2704
hkoons: Arches and Icons _2703
hkoons: Lighting Candles _2705
hkoons: Monastery Icons _2702
hkoons: Icons of the Ossuary _2712
hkoons: Monastery Ossuary _2714