hkoons: Downtown Eastport Maine_1582
hkoons: Lubec Shops _1589
hkoons: The distant Lighthouse from Lubec_1590
hkoons: Sardine Smoking _1596
hkoons: Once a Smokehouse in Lubec_1599
hkoons: Between Piers_1609
hkoons: Quiet of the Morning _1610
hkoons: From the Ground Red Rises _1619
hkoons: Low Tide _1621
hkoons: The Home that Was _1628
hkoons: Fishing Boat Waiting the Tide _1633
hkoons: Private Dock_1635
hkoons: Stillness of Jonesport Harbor_1636
hkoons: Tied to a Buoy _1640
hkoons: The Tide is Out_1649
hkoons: Coming in to Unload _1651
hkoons: Waiting the Tide _1656
hkoons: Granite Grooves _1668
hkoons: Split Earth _1674
hkoons: Acadia National Park_1687
hkoons: Where is the Dirt _1689
hkoons: Reaching High_1691
hkoons: Ground Fire_1698
hkoons: Beach of Schoodic_1704
hkoons: Yellow of Gold _1706
hkoons: Blue and White Skippers_1712
hkoons: Balls among Bedrock_1717
hkoons: Future Beach Sand _1718
hkoons: Red Tips _1723
hkoons: Bent Green_1725