hkoons: Old Town Hall_5176
hkoons: Department Store at the Square _5179
hkoons: Down the Street of Wroclaw Market Square_5181
hkoons: Children learning Inline Skating _5189
hkoons: Sky Tower _5193
hkoons: The Anonymous Pedestrians_5197
hkoons: The Anonymous Pedestrians_5198
hkoons: The Anonymous Pedestrians_5199
hkoons: The Anonymous Pedestrians_5201
hkoons: The Wroclaw Theatre _5211
hkoons: Flying Sculpture in Wroclaw Market Square_5212
hkoons: Church of St Dorothea _5213
hkoons: Chimneys on the Rooftops _5216
hkoons: View Thru the Trees _5217
hkoons: Interesting Front Entrance _5218
hkoons: Flower Shop _5222
hkoons: Tulips for Sale _5223
hkoons: Roses for Sale _5225
hkoons: Taking the Roses Home_5227
hkoons: The Point of Wroclaw Market Square_5228
hkoons: Fountain in the Flower Market _5229
hkoons: The New Town Hall of Wroclaw Market Square_5230
hkoons: Balloons on the Rynek _5232
hkoons: Gone Native at the Window _5233
hkoons: Three Pots at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist_5240
hkoons: Children at Cottage Miedziorytnika_5241
hkoons: A Relief at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist_5243
hkoons: Interior of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist_5245
hkoons: Side Chapel of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist_5246
hkoons: Interior of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist_5247