hkoons: road out of Salta_5228
hkoons: cactus blossom_5234
hkoons: child_5245
hkoons: scene out of Salta_5255
hkoons: bench_5257
hkoons: abode_5260
hkoons: Inca civilization_5272
hkoons: desert scene_5277
hkoons: vendor_5293
hkoons: child_5307
hkoons: wall_5319
hkoons: saltflat_5342
hkoons: salt table_5352
hkoons: winding road_5367
hkoons: country scene_5380
hkoons: rug store_5384
hkoons: church_5900
hkoons: church_5904
hkoons: desert_5920
hkoons: valley_5938
hkoons: cactus canyon_5942
hkoons: cactus canyon_5943
hkoons: desert_5947
hkoons: desert post_5969
hkoons: desert cactus_5974
hkoons: graveyard_5984
hkoons: desert shrubs5985
hkoons: cacti_6007
hkoons: cacti_6013
hkoons: cacti_6015