koolpepper: Swinging chair
koolpepper: Exhaust...ed
koolpepper: I would rather be fishing
koolpepper: No parking any time...accept to take a picture.
koolpepper: The mundane...a bench
koolpepper: Stop...check today's date before proceeding
koolpepper: When she catches my eye I can't help but take a shot
koolpepper: Lamp and bridge
koolpepper: College blind
koolpepper: She provides all the fireworks I could ever want.
koolpepper: A flock of seagulls
koolpepper: Forgotten Slide
koolpepper: My time with her.
koolpepper: Dusty roads and sunsets with my girl...she's behind the truck taking a picture of me.
koolpepper: The mundane...a tree branch obstruction
koolpepper: Grill time.
koolpepper: The mundane...flip flops
koolpepper: A pair.
koolpepper: Couples Therapy...one of the greatest shows ever.
koolpepper: This is what I drove 7 hours for?
koolpepper: Payette National Foreset...Taco and iKamper shakedown
koolpepper: Payette National Forest...Nintendo Time
koolpepper: A mistake but not a bad one
koolpepper: Lenore, ID Hideaway
koolpepper: Clearwater...it won't be perfect and no one has any expectations.
koolpepper: Almost done.
koolpepper: I see where I stand...err sit.
koolpepper: Getting big
koolpepper: Early fathers day present