Kooka_: Meet André
Kooka_: André
Kooka_: *meow*
Kooka_: *meow*
Kooka_: *meow*
Kooka_: When he was a she...
Kooka_: "R u talking to me?!"
Kooka_: It's [really] hard
Kooka_: Washing buttons
Kooka_: Washing buttons
Kooka_: Beware of the seamstress cat!
Kooka_: "I'm watching you!"
Kooka_: It's bathing time
Kooka_: Peek-a-boo, I see you!
Kooka_: *meow*
Kooka_: *meow*
Kooka_: *meow*
Kooka_: *meow*
Kooka_: *meow*
Kooka_: The seamstress little helper
Kooka_: And there she sits
Kooka_: Pola[d]roid
Kooka_: Pola[d]roid
Kooka_: From yesterday
Kooka_: From yesterday