Kookanoid: Fatty, Fatty, 2 by 4.....
Kookanoid: That's one fat squirrel!
Kookanoid: No one likes a begger....
Kookanoid: Just a squirrel trying to get a nut....
Kookanoid: Mr. Squirrel - Whispering sweet nuttin's in Prudey's ear....
Kookanoid: Ember and Squirrel
Kookanoid: Ember and Squirrel
Kookanoid: EEEEEEEEP! Oh.....just wanted a peanut!
Kookanoid: rrrrrrrrrrrrttttttt (Tires squeeling to a halt)!!!
Kookanoid: Jac and Bethany take in the local wildlife....safari style!