koocbor: The line for candy forms.
koocbor: Line up for the shot.
koocbor: Lawn Costumes
koocbor: Obi Wan and Darth Maul
koocbor: A few cute costumes
koocbor: The candy gathering starts
koocbor: Colorful Masks
koocbor: Getting candy on the lawn.
koocbor: The dude in the back had had a few drinks
koocbor: Handing out Glow Sticks
koocbor: Line for Candy
koocbor: Bee Keeper
koocbor: Monster on the Lawn
koocbor: Candy from a Monster
koocbor: Looking for Candy in the Giant Angler Fish?
koocbor: Checking out the fish?
koocbor: Enjoying some taffy
koocbor: Luke, Leia
koocbor: What's in there?
koocbor: Halloween on the Lawn
koocbor: Thomas
koocbor: UVa Halloween
koocbor: Land Shark
koocbor: Hook, Tinkerbell, Peter Pan
koocbor: Rubik's Cube
koocbor: Eyes Wide Shut?
koocbor: Beta Bridge Detail