KonradS: Walnut Tree.
KonradS: Cutting the Walnut Tree.
KonradS: Walnut Tree.
KonradS: Walnut Tree.
KonradS: Measurements before digging.
KonradS: Digger at work.
KonradS: Digger at work.
KonradS: Walnuts.
KonradS: Digger at work.
KonradS: Filling the hole with sand.
KonradS: Insulation.
KonradS: Insulation in detail.
KonradS: IMG_4053_upl
KonradS: Construction site...
KonradS: Preparation for pouring concrete...
KonradS: Steel.
KonradS: Grounding.
KonradS: Waiting for the concrete.
KonradS: Lots of reinforcement.
KonradS: Concrete pump unfolding.
KonradS: A curious visitor.
KonradS: Detail of concrete pump.
KonradS: Concrete pouring in...
KonradS: Lots of concrete trucks arrive.
KonradS: Finished foundation.
KonradS: Foundation already dried up..
KonradS: Waterpipes...
KonradS: Ziegel.
KonradS: Ziegel.
KonradS: Ziegel. Bricks.