KonradS: Proud father and Daughter.
KonradS: Cute Girl.
KonradS: Proud father and Daughter.
KonradS: Vineyards.
KonradS: Me eating grapes.
KonradS: Wine cellar.
KonradS: Wine Barrel.
KonradS: Wine Tasting...
KonradS: Man at Qingdao.
KonradS: Delicious Food.
KonradS: Fire Place.
KonradS: It is not peak season...
KonradS: Selling...
KonradS: Beachside photo shoot...
KonradS: Wedding couples everywhere...
KonradS: After the photo shoot.
KonradS: Am I doing the right thing?
KonradS: Cute Girl.
KonradS: Cute Girl.
KonradS: Proud Mother and Daughter.
KonradS: Proud Mother and Daughter.