Konlon Yu: 奔月 / Flying to the Moon
Konlon Yu: 花海 / Flowers
Konlon Yu: 晴 / Sunny
Konlon Yu: 花攝 / Flowers
Konlon Yu: 花攝 / Flowers
Konlon Yu: 花攝 / Flowers
Konlon Yu: 花海 / Flowers
Konlon Yu: 獨秀 / Outstanding
Konlon Yu: 花毯 / Flower Carpet
Konlon Yu: 花毯 / Flower Carpet
Konlon Yu: 花毯 / Flower Carpet
Konlon Yu: 台中花毯節 / Taichung Flower Carpet Festival
Konlon Yu: 觀月 / Watch the Moon
Konlon Yu: 苦楝 / China Berry
Konlon Yu: 夢田 / Dream Field
Konlon Yu: 牛筋草 / Goosegrass
Konlon Yu: 苦楝 / China Berry
Konlon Yu: 是誰? / Who is it?
Konlon Yu: 層 / Layer
Konlon Yu: 蒼芒 / Foxtail
Konlon Yu: 路上 / On the Road
Konlon Yu: 散步 / Walk
Konlon Yu: 光芒 / Foxtail
Konlon Yu: 光芒 / Foxtail
Konlon Yu: 眺望 / Overlooking
Konlon Yu: 生機 / Vitality
Konlon Yu: 狗尾草 / Foxtail
Konlon Yu: 狗尾草 / Foxtail
Konlon Yu: 藍白 / Blue White
Konlon Yu: 紅綠 / Red Green