Harald Groven: Soviet memorial/cemetery of Battle of Berlin
Harald Groven: Soviet memorial/cemetery of Battle of Berlin
Harald Groven: Soviet memorial/cemetery of Battle of Berlin
Harald Groven: Soviet memorial/cemetery of Battle of Berlin
Harald Groven: Grandmothers agains right (extremism)
Harald Groven: Navalny memorial in front of Russian Embassy in Berlin
Harald Groven: Berlin wall trail / Mauerweg
Harald Groven: Mauerweg
Harald Groven: "I'm a new Berlin city tree. Together for Berlin trees"
Harald Groven: Mauerweg - Street signs
Harald Groven: Mauerweg
Harald Groven: Mauerweg
Harald Groven: Mauerweg
Harald Groven: Mauerweg
Harald Groven: Mauerweg
Harald Groven: Mauerweg
Harald Groven: Mauerweg
Harald Groven: Mauerweg
Harald Groven: Mauerweg - Sign of location of Berlin Wall (1961-1989)
Harald Groven: Berlin Wall Trail - Historical signs
Harald Groven: German women's and celebrities magazines
Harald Groven: Great tit Grafitti on house in Berlin
Harald Groven: Mauerweg
Harald Groven: Interior of a GDR (DDR) watchtower
Harald Groven: View from a GDR (DDR) watchtower
Harald Groven: List of people killed when trying to cross the Berlin Wall
Harald Groven: East German GDR/DDR watchtower
Harald Groven: Mauerweg
Harald Groven: Holocaust memorial
Harald Groven: "Common defence"