konashark: Ilyushin IL-76
konashark: My new cell
konashark: My cell for the next week
konashark: I don't think so!
konashark: Pretty empty
konashark: Cracks in the wall
konashark: I see daylight....
konashark: Plaster on the carpet
konashark: Monday Meal
konashark: ZT Knife and Body Armour
konashark: Leaving Camp KAIA
konashark: View out the front window
konashark: Jalalabad Highway
konashark: Security Fence
konashark: Nearing Camp Phoenix
konashark: Convoy departing Camp Phoenix
konashark: Armoured Humvee
konashark: Drive to the chow hall
konashark: A Real Breakfast
konashark: Me on a bench
konashark: Motor Pool
konashark: Mobile Subway
konashark: Tricked out Humvee
konashark: The ride back on Jalalabad HWY
konashark: Jalalabad Highway
konashark: People standing around everywhere
konashark: Bicycle Shop on the side of the road
konashark: Roadside Video
konashark: Two girls walking to school
konashark: Harvesting Corn