konashark: Our Lt Col shakes the hand of our newly promoted Major
konashark: The Major addresses the "troops"
konashark: Our new Major talking to folks in the "pit"
konashark: Bokeh Wednesday: 9mm on M-9
konashark: SOOC Friday - Reminder of War
konashark: Ariana Cargo B-727
konashark: Radar near a hanger
konashark: Kam Air Cargo Plane Re-fueling
konashark: Kabul, Afghanistan Embassy explosion
konashark: Monday Meal
konashark: Another day...another bomb blast
konashark: Cute Safi Airways Car
konashark: Camp Security
konashark: Czech Ambulance
konashark: Cool Tail Art on Safi B-737
konashark: Bokeh Wednesday
konashark: Anotonov AN-124
konashark: Sign of Life in Afghanistan
konashark: Monday Meal
konashark: 13th Wedding Anniversary
konashark: Terrorist mouse on the loose!
konashark: Tali-Rat on the prowl
konashark: Tali-Rat looks left and right
konashark: Tali-Rat finds a way up
konashark: Tali-Rat checks out the nutrition facts
konashark: Tali-Rat decides to make a long distance phone call instead
konashark: Flowers in Sunlight
konashark: Afghanistan Flag
konashark: Afghanistan Sunrise
konashark: Monday Meal