konashark: A night out on the town
konashark: Royal Flush
konashark: CasaBlanca Casino and Spa
konashark: Getting ready for the party
konashark: JY selling tickets
konashark: AM and JD
konashark: AM and Holly
konashark: DA and the misses
konashark: KC and his wife
konashark: YY and Rose
konashark: BY and his date
konashark: Col and GE
konashark: HB telling yet another funny story
konashark: HB and ES
konashark: ES and Holly
konashark: Posing for pictures
konashark: SD and DR
konashark: PA, AA and JD
konashark: JD and AM
konashark: TS and his new bride
konashark: YY in a man skirt
konashark: AA, ET and TI
konashark: JY is all smiles
konashark: JD at the bar....again
konashark: My dinner
konashark: GE and PA