konashark: KG, HB, VM, KM, KK and LD
konashark: Moon over Dundas
konashark: Happy Birthday Annemette!!!
konashark: Some prep before dinner
konashark: Opening the wine
konashark: Fine selection of drinks
konashark: Table before dinner
konashark: Wine with cheese and crackers
konashark: Good eats
konashark: KG, VM, KK and LD
konashark: Lotte
konashark: Maria and Inez
konashark: KM, Maria, Inez, Annemette and KG
konashark: Annemette, Lotte, KG, Daniel and LD
konashark: KG, VM, SM and KK
konashark: The birthday girl
konashark: Eating dinner
konashark: Me, Lotte and Jack
konashark: Me and Jack
konashark: KM bundles up
konashark: Jenks...
konashark: Dude, where's my ice
konashark: KG and VM
konashark: Uh oh....shots of Fisherman's
konashark: Archie looking for a hand out
konashark: Inez and LD
konashark: LD feeling no pain
konashark: KM, VM and KG
konashark: Everyone singing "Y.M.C.A."
konashark: And yet another shot