letfumithink: landing at miyako airport
letfumithink: landing at miyako airport
letfumithink: landing at miyako airport
letfumithink: the view from the sky
letfumithink: トーフチャンプルー
letfumithink: 海ぶどう丼
letfumithink: 舞浜ビーチ
letfumithink: 舞浜ビーチ
letfumithink: R0010159
letfumithink: R0010162
letfumithink: 来間大橋
letfumithink: the view
letfumithink: the view
letfumithink: lunch time
letfumithink: R0010182
letfumithink: R0010186
letfumithink: 来間大橋
letfumithink: R0010203
letfumithink: R0010205
letfumithink: R0010209
letfumithink: R0010214
letfumithink: ヤドカリ君
letfumithink: R0010217
letfumithink: R0010219
letfumithink: ひまわり畑
letfumithink: ひまわり畑
letfumithink: 島バナナ
letfumithink: ディナー Day 1
letfumithink: 伊勢エビのみそ汁
letfumithink: ゴーヤチャンプルー