Koku85: Dancing on the flower...
Koku85: I am waiting...
Koku85: Feeding Time
Koku85: Please identify this butterfly.. (thanks)
Koku85: Tropical malachite (1)
Koku85: Swallow tail???
Koku85: Postman butterfly?
Koku85: Safely landed...
Koku85: Emerald Swallowtail
Koku85: Clipper Butterfly
Koku85: First day with wings..
Koku85: Giant wood nymph butterfly
Koku85: Spotted joker
Koku85: Give us some privacy...
Koku85: Feeding time....
Koku85: Hey you..
Koku85: Another one...
Koku85: Blue Morpho
Koku85: Relaxing Owl Butterfly
Koku85: Rumanzovia Swallowtail
Koku85: Wing(s) of an Atlas moth
Koku85: Relaxing...
Koku85: An owl butterfly
Koku85: Snack time
Koku85: Snack Time
Koku85: A Tropical Malachite
Koku85: Postman butterfly
Koku85: Zebra longtail
Koku85: Postman butterfly
Koku85: A longwing....