Kokoro-photo: Cherry tree of Komoro-Kaikoen
Kokoro-photo: Cherry tree of Hukuouji
Kokoro-photo: The cherry tree of the Hirao mountain
Kokoro-photo: The cherry tree of breaking through a barrier
Kokoro-photo: Cosmos-Blue-Sky
Kokoro-photo: Cherry flowers of Hirao Mountain
Kokoro-photo: Cherry tree of Hirao Mountain
Kokoro-photo: Katakuri (Dogtooth violet)
Kokoro-photo: 平尾山の春 / Spring of Hirao mountain
Kokoro-photo: Cherry tree of Hirao Mountain
Kokoro-photo: Rhododendron degronianum / アズマシャクナゲ
Kokoro-photo: Rhododendron degronianum / アズマシャクナゲ
Kokoro-photo: Rhododendron degronianum / アズマシャクナゲ
Kokoro-photo: Schizocodon soldanelloides / イワカガミ
Kokoro-photo: Anemone narcissiflora / ハクサンイチゲ
Kokoro-photo: Rhododendron of Takamine mountain
Kokoro-photo: Marchenkonigin
Kokoro-photo: Lavender
Kokoro-photo: From the garden dicentra
Kokoro-photo: Sharifa Asma
Kokoro-photo: Sahara'98
Kokoro-photo: Cosmo Tower and lily
Kokoro-photo: Eastern Pale Clouded Yellows in yellow
Kokoro-photo: Plantain lily after the rain
Kokoro-photo: Lily and wild grasses
Kokoro-photo: Fairy of plantain lily
Kokoro-photo: Ancient lotus of Ohga
Kokoro-photo: Ancient lotus of Ohga
Kokoro-photo: Ancient lotus of Ohga
Kokoro-photo: Ancient Lotus Bloom