DocNordic: Wild Sunflower
DocNordic: Lucky
DocNordic: Lucky
DocNordic: Mourning Dove Family
DocNordic: Pond turtle
DocNordic: Singing after the Rain
DocNordic: Daisy buds with web
DocNordic: IMG_8670cm
DocNordic: High Bush Cranberries
DocNordic: Lucky one Again
DocNordic: Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus)
DocNordic: Young Frog
DocNordic: Frog Eye - American Bullfrog
DocNordic: Lucky, the Frog
DocNordic: Green Caterpillar on Hibiscus
DocNordic: Mom is back in
DocNordic: Mourning Dove Chicks
DocNordic: Yucca Bloom
DocNordic: Red Spotted Purple Butterfly
DocNordic: Small Frog
DocNordic: Eastern comma
DocNordic: Red spotted purple (Limenitis arthemis)
DocNordic: Eastern comma
DocNordic: Black Swallowtail
DocNordic: Pearl Crescent
DocNordic: Pearl Crescent
DocNordic: Black Swallowtail
DocNordic: Yucca Seed Pod
DocNordic: Ol' Cat