Cher Ping: The start of an attempt
Cher Ping: a deeper look
Cher Ping: A deeper look 2
Cher Ping: another view of the same flower.
Cher Ping: could anyone help to identify these?
Cher Ping: Tale of flowers
Cher Ping: a world within a world..
Cher Ping: hauntingly fragile looking..
Cher Ping: in which a sprung spring sprang upon us..
Cher Ping: .. as busy as a .. bee
Cher Ping: .. Happiness is..
Cher Ping: another try - spring's bees!
Cher Ping: Colors of spring..
Cher Ping: in a sea of its own..
Cher Ping: .. it was a wet and rainy day..
Cher Ping: a close up
Cher Ping: a single water drop
Cher Ping: curves, tender and soft
Cher Ping: of flowers and of men
Cher Ping: in a sea of yellow..
Cher Ping: .. in which beauty can be found in the simpliest things.