koduckgirl: Lunched at 'wichcraft in #SF
koduckgirl: 5 days & counting till I visit NYC here is the new lipgloss I will be wearing called Nakkar
koduckgirl: Appeeling
koduckgirl: Construction #SF #Apollo
koduckgirl: The #RetinaCamera 9 is by #Kodak #IGtiltshift #Oldskool
koduckgirl: #RetinaCamera 8 #IGtiltshift #Oldskool
koduckgirl: Caught #petstagram
koduckgirl: #RetinaCamera 6 #IGtiltshift #oldskool
koduckgirl: #RetinaCamera 3
koduckgirl: Bumpy Tea #IGtiltshift
koduckgirl: My Lunch Lambic #IGtiltshift
koduckgirl: Science Clutter #IGtiltshift
koduckgirl: Capiz Shell light #IGtiltshift
koduckgirl: Looking Glass #IGtiltshift
koduckgirl: Library of Health #IGtiltshift #nofilter
koduckgirl: #Gotham on top of inkwell vers #IGtiltshift
koduckgirl: #Inkwell version #IGtiltshift
koduckgirl: Reading Glasses 2 #lomofi #IGtiltshift
koduckgirl: Vintage reading glasses at #StuffCollective in the #Mission #IGtiltshift
koduckgirl: Batman at Frjtz on Valencia St
koduckgirl: No Soliciting #IGtiltshift
koduckgirl: View #IGtiltshift
koduckgirl: Classic #SF #architecture
koduckgirl: White Shark with #IGTiltshift
koduckgirl: The sign and the basketballhoop #IGtiltshift
koduckgirl: The Real Deal #macarons #IGtiltshift
koduckgirl: Chris and Grape
koduckgirl: Garden Path 2 #IGtiltshift
koduckgirl: Peek-A-Boo neighbors
koduckgirl: Glimpse of the Sun Room, dig that swanky Ottoman! #IGtiltshift