Kochmanski: Destruction of the nursery.
Kochmanski: Nursery.
Kochmanski: Beautiful bay windows.
Kochmanski: Closet doors.
Kochmanski: First baby clothes hung in the closet, naturally.
Kochmanski: Closet.
Kochmanski: Fabulous woodwork around the windows.
Kochmanski: Nursery taking shape.
Kochmanski: Nursery door into hallway.
Kochmanski: Nursery door into hallway.
Kochmanski: Great miter cuts in baseboard around bay window.
Kochmanski: Cool brick column, crib.
Kochmanski: Back of room, closet, done!
Kochmanski: Fantastic!
Kochmanski: Front of the room, done!
Kochmanski: Bay window and baseboards, done!
Kochmanski: Bay window and baseboards, done!