Kochmanski: Averi and momma.
Kochmanski: Rain gauge win.
Kochmanski: Head-gear thing fail.
Kochmanski: Head-gear thing fail.
Kochmanski: Presents.
Kochmanski: Twin booze.
Kochmanski: Finger guillotine magic trick.
Kochmanski: Finger guillotine magic trick.
Kochmanski: Everyone likes puzzles.
Kochmanski: Alana likes puzzles.
Kochmanski: Lukas likes lottery tickets. Except when he doesn't win anything.
Kochmanski: This game made my brain hurt.
Kochmanski: Bought her outfit with her own money.
Kochmanski: Food.
Kochmanski: Incorrect way to wear the head-thing grandma bought all the men.
Kochmanski: The correct way to wear the head-thing grandma bought all the men.
Kochmanski: Some toy thing.
Kochmanski: Rock Band® pocket game from me to Lukas.
Kochmanski: Who keeps buying Alana purple underwear?