Kochmanski: Sleepy Calvin.
Kochmanski: Sleepy Calvin.
Kochmanski: Calvin peeks out.
Kochmanski: Vincent's Pizza. Our studio food.
Kochmanski: Brett goes big at Natalie's Octoberfest party.
Kochmanski: Calvin finds a new head rest.
Kochmanski: Dogs.
Kochmanski: 4-year Anniversary dinner.
Kochmanski: Anniversary peppers.
Kochmanski: Dinner looks good.
Kochmanski: Our mums.
Kochmanski: Nice truck. Very nice.
Kochmanski: First stop, of course.
Kochmanski: Very intense storm front.
Kochmanski: Bathroom window casing.
Kochmanski: Window cill in-progress.
Kochmanski: The 1979 Tama™ Swingstar® I bought this summer.
Kochmanski: The 1979 Tama™ Swingstar® I bought this summer.
Kochmanski: I like our back yard.
Kochmanski: Nice tree out our back window.