Kochmanski: Sproul prepares.
Kochmanski: Setting up.
Kochmanski: Rock molestation.
Kochmanski: Rock rules.
Kochmanski: Rock sermon.
Kochmanski: Rocktastic.
Kochmanski: Run-through.
Kochmanski: Smoked.
Kochmanski: Brownie.
Kochmanski: Flying V.
Kochmanski: Long exposure.
Kochmanski: Cool.
Kochmanski: Reid.
Kochmanski: Bass tracking.
Kochmanski: Brownie's ass.
Kochmanski: The room.
Kochmanski: The room.
Kochmanski: Ariel.
Kochmanski: Brownie.
Kochmanski: Brownie.
Kochmanski: Boots.
Kochmanski: Brownie does bass things.
Kochmanski: Brett.
Kochmanski: Brett records rhythm guitar.
Kochmanski: Sproul shreds.
Kochmanski: Sproulercoaster.
Kochmanski: Booze.
Kochmanski: Booze and stuff.
Kochmanski: Recording the cymbal swells.