Kochmanski: Big weird kid.
Kochmanski: Kenny assembles the boy's presents.
Kochmanski: A rousing game of Guess Who?®
Kochmanski: A little young for a tramp stamp?
Kochmanski: Death. Long drive.
Kochmanski: 30° croquet classic.
Kochmanski: Mexican food fart fuel spectacular.
Kochmanski: Ava is cute, but that doll is wicked annoying.
Kochmanski: Karaoke.
Kochmanski: Ava got her neck inked.
Kochmanski: Beth licks frosting.
Kochmanski: Bake-a the cake-a.
Kochmanski: Snow-ready.
Kochmanski: Moms and eskimoes.
Kochmanski: I thought they were going to use the carrot for something else.
Kochmanski: Beth, Ava, Averi and some creepy snow guy.
Kochmanski: Twins and husbands.
Kochmanski: Noons and Alana.
Kochmanski: John gets very excited when cake is at stake.
Kochmanski: Blow.
Kochmanski: Hot, sexy cake action.