Laura Purcell: Superheros need to eat, too!
Laura Purcell: check out the cape
Laura Purcell: Supersam
Laura Purcell: superbaby
Laura Purcell: supersam
Laura Purcell: check out the cape
Laura Purcell: Supersam
Laura Purcell: who me?
Laura Purcell: Who me?
Laura Purcell: happy superbaby
Laura Purcell: Smiley Supersam
Laura Purcell: At boo at the Zoo
Laura Purcell: this way for trick or treating
Laura Purcell: This way to the treats!
Laura Purcell: our first trick or treat stop
Laura Purcell: Headed to first trick or treat
Laura Purcell: Headed to our first trick or treat
Laura Purcell: don't quite know what to make of this
Laura Purcell: playing with checkers
Laura Purcell: With Checkers