Kristin Johnson :: winifred|studios: Putting the last finish nails in the trim of the new door frame
Kristin Johnson :: winifred|studios: cleaning the walls to prep for paint
Kristin Johnson :: winifred|studios: vent covers from the bedroom before and after cleaning
Kristin Johnson :: winifred|studios: Brian painting the ceiling
Kristin Johnson :: winifred|studios: walk-in closet on the left bathroom on the right, brand new door and door frame out to the hall in the right
Kristin Johnson :: winifred|studios: happy painter with hat head
Kristin Johnson :: winifred|studios: I did all the edges and cutting in while B did the rolling
Kristin Johnson :: winifred|studios: he does all the rolling...
Kristin Johnson :: winifred|studios: I do all the cutting and borders...