Kristin Johnson :: winifred|studios: Fantasia topiary at the entrance to Hollywood Studios
Kristin Johnson :: winifred|studios: Posing on a speeder bike!!
Kristin Johnson :: winifred|studios: Heading through the Ewok village to Star Tours!
Kristin Johnson :: winifred|studios: Under an AT-AT Walker!
Kristin Johnson :: winifred|studios: With the Nuclear Weapon from Armageddon
Kristin Johnson :: winifred|studios: Some of the props from Pirates of the Carribbean
Kristin Johnson :: winifred|studios: At the Aerosmith coaster!
Kristin Johnson :: winifred|studios: About to enter Animal Kingdom!
Kristin Johnson :: winifred|studios: us in front of the Tree of Life
Kristin Johnson :: winifred|studios: some type of rare vulture
Kristin Johnson :: winifred|studios: and they had a neat nest