fuzzyslipper: Poppy adjusting her tiny skis
fuzzyslipper: dance around the skate dance!
fuzzyslipper: generosity*
fuzzyslipper: magical world of snow *
fuzzyslipper: snow children*
fuzzyslipper: alice + heidi working up their appetite
fuzzyslipper: teaching Sierra how to make gravy
fuzzyslipper: :::::::pass the sage, rosemary, creme, cardamon, sea salt, orange, apple, balsamic, walnut, pepper, cranberry, maple, thyme, nutmeg, blessings...
fuzzyslipper: abundance!
fuzzyslipper: BOOKS can be the best gifts!!
fuzzyslipper: m o r n i n g g l o r y
fuzzyslipper: >>we slept under her tree<<