fuzzyslipper: shower power*
fuzzyslipper: Come on in girls!
fuzzyslipper: Baby Shower 101
fuzzyslipper: No Umbrellas @ this shower! Just SMILES X-X
fuzzyslipper: Fun in each gift!!
fuzzyslipper: Share the joy!
fuzzyslipper: adorable*
fuzzyslipper: Sharing the joy + the toys!
fuzzyslipper: Honey Bunnies*
fuzzyslipper: Aunt Gail on the right :)
fuzzyslipper: Aunties + Grandma x-x-x-x
fuzzyslipper: Generations are waiting for our Iittle Isabella Rose!
fuzzyslipper: Love Power*
fuzzyslipper: Cousin Power*
fuzzyslipper: Sierra Rose & Raina Monet
fuzzyslipper: Raina + Sierra share the glow*
fuzzyslipper: yes! a Lot in Common!
fuzzyslipper: the only Man @ the baby shower!!!
fuzzyslipper: Sierra in Parkdale*
fuzzyslipper: Sis has blossomed too*