Knitterista: Cheetos Fingers! Run for your lives! This is so flippin creepy I can hardly stand it...and he just happens to have on a Halloween tshirt! #merryweather365 @merryweather365 040214
Knitterista: Just a swingin'! Now that song is stuck in my head...dang it! #merryweather365 @merryweather365 032714
Knitterista: And another one's comes the Tooth Mommy...Uuuhhhh I mean Fairy. #merryweather365 @merryweather365 032514
Knitterista: This is Samantha Crain and John Calvin. They sang for us at Sheri's big deal. #merryweather365 @merryweather365 032314
Knitterista: Lil punk...he's so dang cute! #merryweather365 @merryweather365 031814
Knitterista: Trying to master some dance move he's learning in P.E. I even tried to show him how to do it. Turned out exactly like it does when I think I can do a cartwheel/round-off/hand-stand and end up flat on my booty with a concussion. Fail! Not a 16 yr old! Sorr
Knitterista: The knitted room is supposed to be a place of zen and reflection...apparently not for this momma. Hahaha! Fellow knitter and artist, Romy Owen, installed an amazing piece at Art365. Thank you for creating and sharing! We both enjoyed it in our own way. #m
Knitterista: Working on some sketches...this one's titled, "Snowman with His Legs on Fire!". So clever this boy is! #merryweather365 @merryweather365 022714
Knitterista: Hmmm...I really don't think you can read through Sponge Bob's eyeballs. Sleep, yes, maybe. Hahaha! #merryweather365 @merryweather365 022414
Knitterista: Pushes all the buttons on the music birthday cards and breaks into his dance moves...hilarious!!! Such an awesome kid...need to get him into performance arts next! #merryweather365 @merryweather365 022114
Knitterista: Today my boy asked if he could run with me! I had just finished 9 miles and that made me so happy to hear I'm making an impact on him after I accomplished my longest run to date...double runners-high! So, I got him an official Red Coyote pack t-shirt that
Knitterista: Had a little surfer flip goin' on today...asked if I liked his cool hairdo. Cuteness! #merryweather365 @merryweather365 021314
Knitterista: Just a sweet boy at heart. #merryweather365 @merryweather365 021114
Knitterista: This was pretty much the extent of swim tonight. Cold water on skinny boy = not getting in and Momma checkin out wetsuits. #merryweather365 @merryweather365 021014
Knitterista: Science Snow Day: I remember doing this as a kid...the kit is a tube of gooey plastic gunk and a straw...just blow it up and get these really cool bubbles. #merryweather365 @merryweather365 020614
Knitterista: Sweet Dreams & Rock n' Roll! #merryweather365 @merryweather365 020514
Knitterista: The Boy: Mommy you have to give me 8 kisses. Me: Ok...Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. The Boy: And you get 6... 1 for driving me to swimming. 2 for making me Spagettios for dinner. 3 for saying a prayer with me. 4 for wanting to watch Desp
Knitterista: My little cowboy sporting his great-grandpa's cowboy hat at the International Finals Rodeo! He used his "yeehaws" and "howdys" at all the appropriate dang cute! We heart the bulls the best! #merryweather365 @merryweather365 011814
Knitterista: The other day he was mad at me cause I "never let him do what he wants". So, he wouldn't hold my hand walking to the car until we got to the parking lot and said, "I'll hold it now but only because I don't want to get hit by a car. But if I did, that wou
Knitterista: If we want blue ice cream and crinkle fries then we're gettin' blue ice cream and crinkle fries dang it cause Mommy's drivin! #merryweather365 @merryweather365 011314
Knitterista: P.E. Lesson: Balance & Teamwork. I couldn't help but giggle at them giggling. They got an "A" today in my gradebook. #merryweather365 @merryweather365 011414
Knitterista: My little fish is back in the water! #merryweather365 @merryweather365 010614
Knitterista: Showing off his current and ever-changing "project" #merryweather365 @merryweather365 010314
Knitterista: Fast Friends #merryweather365 @merryweather365 010414
Knitterista: Woke me up with "Breakfast in Bed"...was hilarious! At least it was technically cereal and he actually shared it thank goodness! Love those dang things! #merryweather365 @merryweather365 010514
Knitterista: Not my ideal Christmas Eve but at least I got to see his funny face! I miss him terribly! #merryweather365 @merryweather365 122413
Knitterista: To puzzle. Puzzling. Puzzled. #merryweather365 @merryweather365 120613
Knitterista: Ice Angel #merryweather365 @merryweather365 120513
Knitterista: Gave Santa and Scooby a lift to school today...they weren't too thrilled. #merryweather365 @merryweather365 120213
Knitterista: Decorating the trees together! #merryweather365 @merryweather365 120113