knitsmith: civil_war_quilt2
knitsmith: Lincoln's Platform
knitsmith: Underground Railroad
knitsmith: Cotton Boll
knitsmith: Cotton Boll #2
knitsmith: Lost Ship
knitsmith: North Star
knitsmith: six inches is small
knitsmith: Catch Me if You Can
knitsmith: Aunt Dinah
knitsmith: Beauregard Surrounded 9-patch
knitsmith: Beauregard Surrounded
knitsmith: Birds in the Air
knitsmith: Trip Around the World
knitsmith: Trip Around the World
knitsmith: Jacob's Ladder
knitsmith: Brackman blocks - group 1
knitsmith: Brackman blocks - group 2
knitsmith: Brackman blocks - group 3
knitsmith: Oath of Allegiance
knitsmith: Surrender at Vicksburg
knitsmith: Meeting General Lee
knitsmith: Yankee Papers
knitsmith: Parlor Activities
knitsmith: Bombardment
knitsmith: Knitting and Reading
knitsmith: Alvin McClure
knitsmith: Games, Music and Knitting
knitsmith: Bitter Enemy
knitsmith: Guerilla Warfare