Knight Foundation:
Andrew Simonet, Artists U
Knight Foundation:
Marla Burkholder, Shakespeare in Clark Park
Knight Foundation:
Photograph by Jacques-Jean Tiziou
Knight Foundation:
Stacey 'Flygirrl' Wilson
Knight Foundation:
Mimi Stillman, Dolce Suono Ensemble
Knight Foundation:
David Guinn, the Freewall Project
Knight Foundation:
Ernest Stuart, Center City Jazz Festival
Knight Foundation:
Mimi Stillman, Dolce Suono Ensemble 2
Knight Foundation:
Susanna Gold, Tyler School of Art, Temple University
Knight Foundation:
Lee Ann Etzold, Point Bold A Neighborhood Project
Knight Foundation:
Nick Stuccio, President and Producing Director, FringeArts
Knight Foundation:
Manna-Symone Middlebrooks, PYP Youth Council Member
Knight Foundation:
Mark Christman, Artistic Director, Ars Nova Workshop
Knight Foundation:
David Devan, Opera Company of Philadelphia
Knight Foundation:
Leslye Abrutyn, President of the Board, Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia
Knight Foundation:
Tom Dignam, Performing Arts Coordinator
Knight Foundation:
Kristin Groenveld, Art Sphere Inc
Knight Foundation:
Kùlú Mèlé Artistic Director Dorothy Wilkie's
Knight Foundation:
Gina Renzi, Program director, The Rotunda
Knight Foundation:
Aviva Kapust, executive director, The Village of Arts and Humanties
Knight Foundation:
The Pigeon
Knight Foundation:
Alyesha Wise of The Pigeon
Knight Foundation:
Stanford Thompson, Play On, Philly!
Knight Foundation:
Dan Schimmel, Breadboard, Department of Making + Doing
Knight Foundation:
J. Andrew Greenblatt Philly Film Society
Knight Foundation:
Elba Hevia y Vaca - Pasion y Arte Flamenco
Knight Foundation:
Karin Copeland, exec director, Arts and Business Countil of Greater Philadelphia
Knight Foundation:
Theresa Rose, Operation Food for Thought
Knight Foundation:
Christine Cox, Co-Artistic and Executive Director, Balletx
Knight Foundation:
Jeri Lynne Johnson, Black Pearl Chamber Orchestra