knglaser: scavenging parts, vacuum cleaner motor and a bike wheel hub
knglaser: getting to the good stuff
knglaser: bike wheel hub and an old burned out rotor
knglaser: having fun with the retractable cord
knglaser: the parts for the engine
knglaser: fitting the hub onto the compressor backside
knglaser: some plastic needs to be removed
knglaser: machining the inner diameter to fit the hub
knglaser: machining off some metal to fit the hub
knglaser: speculating on how to fasten the rear end of the hub
knglaser: compressor rotor fitted on the axle
knglaser: outer tube
knglaser: the rear casing chopped off
knglaser: first idea was to have holes drilled before cutting the blades
knglaser: turned the turbine blades to correct diameter on the lathe
knglaser: inner tube that is supposed to feed the air to the burning gas
knglaser: hub fitted to the compressor housing
knglaser: turbine blade, notice the three holes :P
knglaser: fuel distribution
knglaser: turbine blades fitted to the axle
knglaser: first burn of the engine
knglaser: some zinc burned off, evacuated the room
knglaser: after first burn
knglaser: after first burn, notice the lack of heating on the inner tube