knewman: Juanita
knewman: Mom
knewman: Me and Grandmother Newman
knewman: they get along great
knewman: Parking lot empty at 8am
knewman: my trophies let me show you them
knewman: So much gospel music on the in-store speakers
knewman: Stacy's_porch.jpg
knewman: Pork kebabs and grilled eggplant
knewman: Mom's house
knewman: Asleep
knewman: Beady
knewman: Ladybug
knewman: Kretta sniffing
knewman: Grilling
knewman: Finally at mom's house
knewman: Tennessee River, Chattanooga ,TN
knewman: So popular around here
knewman: South Pittsburg, TN
knewman: Monteagle, TN
knewman: 121_more_miles.jpg
knewman: Hi, allergies
knewman: motel murfreesboro
knewman: flash leeland
knewman: gorillatime
knewman: goodnight
knewman: bologna makin' people